Since 1993 W. Mack Rice, P.A., Attorney at Law, has helped clients throughout Eastern North Carolina with their real estate transactions. Our team of professionals are able to assist you in all aspects of sales, purchases, and refinances in most counties east of Raleigh, North Carolina. Put our experience to work for you by calling us at 252-447-2300 or by emailing us at
Selecting the correct form of entity for your business structure is very important. The law firm of W. Mack Rice, P.A. can help you form an entity
that will minimize your exposure to personal liability while optimizing a business model for success.
Gain the assurance that thousands of others have experienced in knowing that your closing transaction is being handled in the most efficient and professional manner at the law office of W. Mack Rice, P.A.
Death is a certainty, but never easy. Allow the law firm of W. Mack Rice, P.A. to assist you in minimizing the burden on your loved ones by establishing an effective and comprehensive end-of-life plan.
W. Mack Rice, P.A., Attorney at Law can help you resolve your delinquent taxes, interest and penalties owed to the IRS.
Best Contact For Lenders and Real Estate Agents is
Best Contact For Clients and Potential Clients is
Call us today at 252-447-2300 or 919-778-5545 and schedule your free consultation.